Saturday, August 15, 2009

What Are The Consequences Of Preventing Failure?

If you are like me you have made mistakes in the past. Some of the mistakes I really wish I could go back and erase, because I knew better...but I still did something dumb. Other mistakes I would NOT go back and change or erase. Those mistakes I count as tremendous learning experiences that have given me wisdom, humility, and insight. Those mistakes have changed and influenced my life for the better.

Failure is like that.

President Obama and our Federal government, for some reason, seem totally unwilling to let people, companies, states, and programs fail as a natural consequence of their poor judgement, mismanagement, and irresponsability. Instead they insist on SAFETY NETS, CORPORATE BAILOUTS, WELFARE PROGRAMS, AND OTHER SHORT CUTS that bypass the consequences of failure.

What are the consequences of preventing failure?

Lessons aren't learned. The same mistakes are repeated. Real progress is halted. They learn that someone will always rescue them and they never have to suffer any consequences for their actions. Like a spoiled child who is never grounded for bad behavior.

Instead of upholding and maintaining a standard of RESPONSIBILITY originally set by our Founding Fathers, politicians promise us an easier way to have happiness and success. No work, no consequences, just more pampering and more short cuts. Politicians insist that no hard choices need to be made concerning our national deficit ($12,000,000,000,000). No pain, no hardship (which has always been part of our American experience), just a magic pill called "Stimulus Bill" and more spending to spending our way out of a problem.

My mom is notorious in my family for having several one-line-quotes that hit the nail on the head. Her most famous is: "If it is easy, it is probably wrong."

Fixing our national problems will NOT BE AN EASY JOURNEY. It will require sacrifice, effort, and hard decisions. It will be a difficult road. There are no short cuts, easy outs, or quick fixes. But it is possible, it is do-able, and we are not too far gone to achieve results. But we will need to start now, to work together, to remember our values, and to elect true "Public Servants" instead of Self Serving Publicans.

We can do it, together.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No Longer Neutral, Now a Creative Exremist

Well the time has finally come. Today marks the first day that I officially take a step and "DO SOMETHING" about the situation our country is in. For many years I have not paid attention to what is going on in our country and have primarliy focused on my family, career, and other day-to-day responsibilities.

About 1 year ago I started tuning in and paying more attention to what is happening in our world. I started developing opinions and forming attitudes on this or that issue. Now as I listen to the radio, watch the news, read the newspaper; I continue to get more and more frustrated by what I hear, read and see.

I am deeply concerned over many things and I have determine to do something about these concerns.

Today I purchased a copy of Glenn Beck's book "Common Sense". In his book he quotes Martin Luther King, Jr as saying to his supporters: "The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extemists we will be... The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists." I take this to mean that it is much easier to simply die for a cause than it is to find inventive, effective means to fight for it.

I intend to find inventive and creative ways to fight (in a nonviolent way) for the things that I have begun to care deeply about. With that definition in mind, I am formally declaring myself to be a "Creative Extremist" who can no longer sit idle, remain neutral, and let other non-representing representatives speak for me. I consider myself guardian of my own freedom. I have not worked very hard in the past to protect my own freedoms. I am beginning to see the great tragedy in this. The time is now for to take responsibility for my freedom and do something. I will work and fight for my freedoms in ways that represent the values that I believe in.

To that end: Pro Deo, Pro Familia, Pro Patria!