Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Some Important Questions From Glenn Beck

Power left unchecked can turn very ugly, very rapidly. So it's vital that we all question with boldness, hold to the truth and speak without fear.

Questions regarding President Obama’s 2008 Campaign pledge of creating a “Civilian National Security Force”:
- Why do we need a “civilian force”?
- Who is posing a threat to us?
- Who will this "force" be made up of?
- Who is the real enemy?
- Does the president know of a coming event? If not, who builds an army against an unrecognized enemy?
- Why won't the media get off their butts and look into these radicals in the White House? And into this civilian army?

Questions regarding the Governments tightening grip on broadcast media and capitalism in general:
- Why does the FCC have a diversity "czar"?
- Who is Mark Lloyd and how does he plan to "balance" the airwaves?
- Will he bring back the Fairness Doctrine or worse?
- Cass Sunstein once said he wants to balance the Internet; is that next?
- Will broadcasters who leave the airwaves be allowed to go to satellite or Internet without government regulation?
- Is there any place (that has a mass audience) where the government wont regulate free speech?
- Why does it seem every member of the Obama advisory team hates capitalism, unless those companies (like G.E.) are in bed with the administration?
If Lloyd has his way, stations who don't comply to the governments definition of the "public interest" will have to pay a massive fine — that helps support public broadcasting:
- What will be the definition of "public interest"?
- Who defines "public interest"?
- Why should it be balanced? Because it's public airwaves? (Well, there are public roads that go by my house and I don't count how many Republicans and Democrats are driving on them)

Questions regarding the Integrity of the Executive Branch of the Government:
- Who is "surrounding" the President in the White House?
- Do any of the President's advisers have criminal records?
- Are the President's advisers working to better the country or their own ideals?
- Who are the anti-capitalists in Washington?
- What roles do they have in crafting bills?
- What was "STORM"? What happened to the founders, where are they now?
- What qualifications must one have to be a Presidential adviser?
- What is the difference between a community organizer and a community activist?
- Do the czars have power?
- Should a communist have the ear of the President of the United States?
- What role did the Apollo Alliance play in crafting bills?
- Does the President know the co-founder of the Weather Underground is a board member of the Apollo Alliance?
- How many people in the administration are connected to the movement for a democratic society?
- What role does George Soros play... CONSTITUTIONALLY?

Questions regarding the fiscal responsibility and the “loyalties” of Congress and Legislators:
- Our unfunded liability for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid is close to $100 trillion. Is there any way to pay for these programs without bankrupting America?
- We are in so much debt, why spend more borrowed money on cap-and-trade and healthcare programs before we stop the flow of red-ink?
- The stimulus package funneled billions of dollars to ACORN. How does giving billions of dollars to ACORN stimulate the economy?
- If it was so important for congress to pass the stimulus bill before they even had time to read it why has only a fraction of the stimulus money been spent 6 months later?
- Bush said he had to abandon free market principles in order to save them, how exactly does that work?
- Why won’t members of Congress read the bills before they vote on them?
- Why are citizens mocked and laughed at when they ask their congressman to read the bills before they vote on them?
- Was the cash-for-clunkers program meant to save the earth or the economy? Did it accomplish either?
- How did Van Jones, a self-proclaimed communist become a special advisor to the president? - Did President Obama know of Van Jones’ radical political beliefs when he named him special advisor?
- The Apollo Alliance claimed credit for writing the stimulus bill—why was this group allowed to write any portion of this bill?
- If politicians aren’t writing the bills and aren’t reading the bills, do they have any idea what these 1000 page plus bills actually impose on the American people?
- If the ‘public option’ health care plan is so good why won’t politicians agree to have that as their plan?
- If town hall meetings are intended for the politicians to learn what’s on our mind—why do they spend so much time talking instead of listening?
- Politicians are refusing to attend town hall meetings complaining, without evidence, that they are scripted. Does that mean we shouldn’t come out and vote for you since every campaign stop, baby kiss and speech you give is scripted?
- Why would you want to overwhelm the system?
- Is using the economic crises to rush legislation through congress what Rahm Emanuel meant when he talked about "not letting a crises go to waste"?
- What are the czars paid? What is the budget for their staffs/offices?

Insure Domestic Tranquility

Does “insure domestic Tranquility” mean I cannot speak out against my Government?

A few months prior to the 1787 Convention that ratified the Constitution, there was a huge revolt and uprising in the state of Massachusetts called “Shay’s Rebellion”. It resulted in the arrest of 1,000 war veterans who took the democratic revolution too far. These rebels disregarded the laws of the Confederation, broke into a federal armory to steal weapons, and created “a state of anarchy, confusion, and slavery”, according to Governor James Bowdoin.

This rebellion was a shock to the Framers and they were eager to put in place a system that gave powers to the federal government to prevent any such uprisings in the future.

To “Insuring Domestic Tranquility” means maintaining law or order within our country. It means avoiding anarchy and open rebellion against the local and federal government by the people. Tranquility means a "calm state" that is “free from disturbances”. That is the ideal state the Founding Fathers were shooting for. However, it DOES NOT MEAN eliminating the people’s 1st Amendment freedoms of speech, press, or peaceful assembly.

As long as “We the People” follow established laws and procedures, we are free to speak out against our “Non-Representing Representatives”. We are free to rally against Big Government Spending. We are free to demand that Congress follow the same rules we have to follow. We are free to ask our leaders tough questions. We are free to sign petitions, have Tea Parties, write letters, and let our voices be heard. When we exercise those rights and freedoms we do our part to “insure domestic tranquility” for our future generations. Let us all DO OUR PART!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

To Establish Justice

Just a Reminder of an Important Part of the Preamble?

Our Founding Fathers knew the difficult circumstances of living under British rule. Under this government it was common to see injustice and unfairness in the administration of their national laws and commercial trade. Courts did not rule in uniform manners and rules were not applied equally to all people. Fair trade was hindered. Injustice was common place.

Unfortunately, Justice cannot exist by itself. It must be establish and maintained. In 1787 the Framers had this great principle in mind when they organized the Constitution. They desired a strong judicial court system that equitably settled disputes - one where citizens would have a right to a fair trial and equal treatment. They desired a court system that maintained uniformity in its administration of law. They desired a court system that allowed fair trade inside and outside the country.

They organized a government with a special Judicial Branch to see to these great and important issues of Justice. Although not perfect, today the United States of America is one of the fairest countries in the world.

To Form a More Perfect Union

How is Your Understanding of Basic Consitutional Principles?

The phrase "to form a more perfect Union" refers to the transition our Founding Father decided to make when they changed from being governed by the Articles of Confederation to a new system they had just created, the Constitution of the United States.

The Articles of Confederation organized a basic government that united the states in a loose confederation where each state was represented in a congress. The government acted with restricted and limited power upon states only. Eventually this confederation of states didn’t adequately address collective problems such as debts owed by the confederation to foreign nations, managing the Continental Army, governing territories (non-states) won earlier by the British, and developing foreign relations with other counties.

Many saw a need for a more powerful central authority to help solve these issues.

The result was the creation of the “Constitution of the United States”. It was a newly created government over the people, not an agreement between the individual states, and gave the additional powers need to a central government to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…”