Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dear Congressman Simpson...

Dear Mr. Simpson, August 20, 2009

As a small business owner and a family man here in Idaho Falls, ID I am deeply concerned by:

1) A government that continues to rescue banks, companies, states, and federal programs with bailouts, safety nets and welfare protection. These bailouts prevent the natural consequences of poor management and irresponsibility from taking place. Failure IS the consequence and IS important for those who break rules and violate basic principles. DO NOT SUPPORT THESE PROGRAMS.

2) A government that has several budgetary & financial committees but who cannot seem to keep their spending under control. They continue to spend more then they make and continue to go deeper into debt. DO NOT SUPPORT STIMULUS PACKAGES.

3) A government that is operating programs like Social Security, Medicare and other “reserve funds” like a massive Ponzi Scheme (taking and mismanaging funds now while promising future benefits that cannot be paid later), but with out having to go to jail if they are caught. DO NOT SUPPORT DISHONESTY.

4) A government that willy-nilly using a complex tax code to punish the politically unpopular with higher tax rates and reward friends and special interest groups with exemptions and deductions. The tax code is about raising revenue not punishing enemies and helping friends. SUPPORT RULE OF LAW, NOT SITUATIONAL ADVANTAGES.

5) A government that is getting bigger and bigger and thus taking over more of our responsibilities, rights, freedoms. SUPPORT WAYS TO CUT PROGRAMS, LIMIT SPENDING, AND REDUCE OVERHEAD.

6) Elected Officials who maintain a hypocritical double standard of “do as I say, not as I do”. Every law imposed on the people must apply with equal force to those who pass it (unionizing, secret ballots, work place benefits, etc). Country before career. SUPPORT NO BILL YOU YOURSELF DO NOT WISH TO SUBJECT YOUR FAMILY TO.

You represent me and my 60 hour work weeks. My HARD EARNED tax dollars “go to you” to decide how they are to be spent. They are under your influence and you are accountable to me for your decisions. Be wise. I am not alone in my concerns and frustrations. We are watching you and your decisions carefully.

Respectfully yours,

Terry Hansen
208-346-1005 ph

1 comment:

  1. Terry,
    EXCELLENT letter. You eloquently put into words what so needs to be heard by all of our Government leaders. Great job! I have called his office and voiced my opinions on different issues, and receive a 'form letter' in reply. I just started reading Common Sense, and I'm hooked! Keep it up. More people need to make their voices heard. I'm proud to be your friend. ~CJN
